MetricNet Delivers Presentation on the Future of Desktop Support at the 2016 HDI Conference

Jeff Rumburg, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of MetricNet, presented Session 105, ‘The Future Of Desktop Support: What The KPIs Are Telling Us’, at the Annual HDI Conference in Orlando, FL to a standing room only crowd. Attendees were captivated as Mr. Rumburg revealed the underlying drivers of key trends as well as their implications for the future of desktop support.

“Desktop support has evolved dramatically in recent years.” said Jeff Rumburg. “From virtualization and remote desktop control, to the rise of SWAT teams and staff augmentation, most desktop support organizations bear no resemblance to their predecessors.”

The research we presented not only enhances the community of desktop support professionals, but continues to change the way desktop support is viewed and managed.

Jeff Rumburg, Managing Partner

Those interested in this presentation can find a copy of the slide deck on MetricNet’s website. In the presentation, MetricNet shares never before seen industry data, synthesized from literally hundreds of desktop support benchmarks, that illustrates key trends in desktop support. Additionally, they share what today’s KPIs tell us about the future, the impact on people, process, and technology, and how to position desktop support for future success..

“Every IT support organization aspires to perform at a high level. Unfortunately, many desktop support professionals are unfamiliar with the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are important to track and trend, and even fewer are aware of what constitutes acceptable, let alone world-class performance.” said Rumburg.  “The research we presented not only enhances the community of desktop support professionals, but continues to change the way desktop support is viewed and managed.”

Mr. Rumburg is the winner of the 2014 Ron Muns Lifetime Achievement Award, and has served on HDI’s Strategic Advisory Board. He is co-founder and Managing Partner of MetricNet, LLC, where he is responsible for global strategy, product development, and client engagement delivery. As a leading expert in benchmarking and reengineering, Mr. Rumburg authored a best selling book on benchmarking, and has been retained as a benchmarking expert by such well-known companies as American Express, Hewlett-Packard, General Motors, and IBM.

If you would like more information about benchmarking your service and support functions, please visit or e-mail MetricNet at info(at)metricnet(dot)com.

About MetricNet

MetricNet is the global leader in IT service and support benchmarking. More than half of the FORTUNE 500 rely on MetricNet benchmarks to improve and optimize their performance. MetricNet is the first, and still the only company to offer downloadable service desk and desktop support benchmarks from their website. With a global benchmarking database of more than 3,700 IT service and support benchmarks, MetricNet has the most comprehensive database of process and performance metrics in the industry.
